The deadline has been extended until this Friday, April 8th. I feel confident that this focused time of study will be a valuable opportunity to mentally focus on the coming test(s). If you have signed up for the AP Language & Composition exam, I strongly urge you to consider going to this retreat.
This post will be continually updated throughout the month as we get new documents for our Synthesis project. While highly variable in perspective, genre, or time period--all of the documents represent thoughtful examinations of what will, has, or can make this country a unique and great place. This is an important question to grapple with, as a current citizen, and future voter in the U.S. Additionally, the thoughts you develop in this project are statistically likely to prove relevant as outside sources on the AP Exam (Lang & APUSH). Finally, it will segue nicely into AP Government next year.
You will be synthesizing at least three of these documents into a project which argues a clear position on whether the American Dream is still a relevant ideal or how it might potentially need alteration to meet the needs of a changing modern world.
Did you get any great photos from the Gatsby Party? I didn't get a chance to take very many myself. So I made a public Google Photos gallery with my own photos, but I've left it open for all of you to share your own photos as well. I love looking back at these long after you've graduated, so anything you share is so greatly appreciated!
The Atlantic & College Board Writing Prize returns for its second year! This time, we’re looking for exceptional high school student essays that insightfully analyze and interpret a meaningful work of art.
Our understanding of the human experience is enhanced by the study of significant historical artifacts. When we interact with art — when we learn about it, think about it, write and talk about it — we participate in a larger, ongoing conversation about culture and society. The 2016 Writing Prize contest invites you to be part of this conversation.
Your essay should share your perspective on the artwork you choose to write about, and it should also include evidence that backs up your conclusions. We’re looking for writing that is both interesting and instructive, and that clearly communicates your experience with the artwork and your views on it.
Essays should be between 1,000 and 1,500 words and can be submitted from Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2016. You’ll need to ask a teacher-sponsor to approve and submit your essay; see How to Enter for more on that. We’ll select one student winner who will earn a $5,000 prize and have his or her essay published in the September 2016 issue of The Atlantic.
While we spend the next couple of months focused on synthesis, I grow concerned we might get a touch rusty in the rhetorical analysis camp. In order to keep you frosty, we're going to follow a current opinion columnist each week, and quickly analyze how the columnist utilizes rhetoric to his/her advantage. Additionally, keeping abreast current issues--and the potential perspectives on said issues--will undoubtedly prove useful heading into both the AP Lang and AP US History exams. You're welcome kiddos. I've got your back.
Here is the sign-up list to claim your columnist. Please select the appropriate "period #" tab at the bottom: DECLARE
How to convert a Web Story to PDF:
To create a .pdf, you simply “print” the page to pdf creation software.
Chrome makes this chore particularly easy. With the desired page loaded, press Ctrl-P to bring up the browser’s unique Print dialog box. Click the Change button in the Destination section. This brings up a list of your available printers. But in addition to the printers, you’ll find a Save as PDF option.
At this point you'll need to make sure it is saved to your Google Drive. Make a Folder Titled "Columnist Project" to save these each week in one organized location. Once the PDF is in your Google Drive, you should be able to open it with a PDF Annotation Tool, such as Kami, allowing you to annotate just as we practiced with Winthrop before in class.
Use this form if you need to check out a paperback copy of the novel. However, I highly recommend you get your own copy, buy on Kindle/Apple iBooks, or use this PDF.
We'll be reading this piece as the cornerstone of our American Dream synthesis project. Since it is impossible to remember everything as we read, I'm recommending you keep a simple journal as you read. I'm embedding the presentation we went over in class right here--and the format for the journal is included on the final slide:
Cool Map!
This is a neat map I found--someone has marked all of the important locations which feature in the novel. It's really great for helping to visualize the locations.
Here is a PDF version of the novel you can view and download for your own use. I recommend installing in either the Kindle or iBooks app, or something similar, as they allow you to highlight key passages as you read. If you have difficulty downloading from this embedded file: try this direct link HERE.