Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Quick Survey

Please complete this brief survey in your ASAP class this week. It will assist us in making our Peer Mentoring program more effective. Just click the picture above.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Welcome Back!

You're All Mine Now

Kidding aside, I am very excited to meet all of you in the coming days. The first week can be a whirlwind--and quite intimidating for some--please don't hesitate to come talk to me before/after class to directly voice your concerns. I believe you can and will be successful in AP Language & Composition this year, even if the first few days make you feel otherwise. So come in and let's chat if you feel uneasy about any aspect of the class. Or if you think I'm funny looking, ask a current Senior; they had to deal with my shenanigans last year and will surely give you the true skinny on all things Junior Year if you just ask nicely.

Intro to Rhetoric

In case you were super jazzed by the first-day powerpoint--here's a copy for you to relive the glory days. Just click HERE.