Columnist Project
While we spend the next couple of months focused on synthesis, I grow concerned we might get a touch rusty in the rhetorical analysis camp. In order to keep you frosty, we're going to follow a current opinion columnist each week, and quickly analyze how the columnist utilizes rhetoric to his/her advantage. Additionally, keeping abreast current issues--and the potential perspectives on said issues--will undoubtedly prove useful heading into both the AP Lang and AP US History exams. You're welcome kiddos. I've got your back.
Here is the assignment sheet itself: COLUMNIST PROJECT
Here is the sign-up list to claim your columnist. Please select the appropriate "period #" tab at the bottom: DECLARE
How to convert a Web Story to PDF:
To create a .pdf, you simply “print” the page to pdf creation software.
Chrome makes this chore particularly easy. With the desired page loaded, press Ctrl-P to bring up the browser’s unique Print dialog box. Click the Change button in the Destination section. This brings up a list of your available printers. But in addition to the printers, you’ll find a Save as PDF option.